Shri Modi urged the people to support Babul Supriyo, the BJP candidate from the region. He also attacked the State government for various scams, including the scam in recruitment of teachers in the State, and shared Gujarat’s success story of recruiting teachers through online software. Citing facts and figures which conveyed that Muslims in Gujarat were well-off when compared to their counterparts in WB, Shri Modi condemned the State government for its incompetence in ensuring the progress of every section of the society.
Shri Modi also appealed to the Election Commission of India to ensure that the next two phases of polling, in these regions, must be free of any rigging or any other form of manipulation. “Democracy doesn’t work like this. I know that in the elections on May 30 how much rigging took place. False cases have been filed against our candidate Babul Supriyo. Election Commission’s work is to protect people. It is your responsbility to ensure impartial polls. I request you to fulfil your responsibilities in the right way,” said Shri Modi in Asansol.
Exposing the pretentiousness of the State government, Shri Modi said that while it fights with the Congress and Left in Bengal, in Delhi, the three are good friends. He called for the need to end such a deceiving government at the Centre and the State, and instead bring in a government, the only focus of which was the Nation’s development. “Vote for development and vote for the future of Bengal, to end poverty and lack of education in West Bengal,” said Shri Modi. He urged the people to vote for the BJP and support a growth-focused government, thereby ensuring Bengal’s development and better lives for the people of the Nation.
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