Saturday, February 8, 2014

If the Government had even little concern for the poor then the condition of the fishermen community in TN would be different: Shri Narendra Modi

Shri Narendra Modi came down heavily on the Congress and its allies and said, “In doing corruption they respect Federal Structure a lot. Their allies are allowed to loot and you have the beneficiaries in Tamil Nadu too.” Commenting on the Congress’ rally in Gujarat earlier today, he said, “The Vice President of the Congress visited Gujarat today and humiliated the State and called its citizens as fools.  Who is fooling the people, the people know very well. People will not tolerate this.  3 generations of the Congress tries to spread lies in Gujarat but the people of Gujarat did not accept it. India too will not! 
Shri Modi also spoke of how the Congress government’s work culture had disrupted the functioning of the economy.  He said, “The thought and work culture of UPA has put India on the verge of disintegration and to save nation we need to bid them goodbye. Work culture must be of cooperation not confrontation. Centre vs State, State vs State, these things are going on due to the UPA. UPA is not bothered to solve them too.” While stressing on the need for adherence to the Federal structure, Shri Modi said, “Our Federal Structure must be respected in letter & spirit. Irrespective of which party it was, Atal ji embraced them all.”
Shri Modi indirectly answered to the criticism of a UPA Minister from Tamil Nadu saying, “There is also a recounting Minister in Delhi. He is from Tamil Nadu only. He abuses me but I prefer to keep silent because I know that Keechad Jitna Faikoge, Kamal Utna Hi Khilega.

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