When Gujarat is on the way of progress and development at that time many natural and political problems come. Likewise, earthquake, riots etc. Gujarat’s CM has achieved large progress and development for Gujarat. This is the unfortunate of Five crores Gujaraties that they have to lose such a versatile and genius CM. This is the Political History of India that no one has not charge a single case of corruption on them in two years. They have made oction of the gifts, which they have received, personally from the people. They have used this money for betterment of Girls education. They have donated to more than 2000 patient for bypass, valve transplant and other surgery of heart from their CM fund. From last two years The CM has arrested all the criminals who were involved in Narcotics cases in Gujarat. They had arrested the criminals who were involved in cases of Illegal weapons. They had found the cheatings of N.G.O. at the time earthquake. These N.G.O. had received many donation form Gujarat and out of Gujarat and not used it. These N. G. O. leaders are facing problems against CM. They have implemented so many projects like KALPSARU project, SUJLAM SUFLAM project, CHEKDAM project, KHET-TALAVADI project, JAN-SHAKTI project etc. They have implemented the concept of e-grampachayat.
This is the unfortunate of Gujarat and Gujarati people that they may lose such a great leader. After that Gujarat will get back 25 years.
Let’s hope that CM will continue forever.
With My Best Regards,
Mayur Dave.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
When Gujarat is on the way of progress and development at that time many natural and political problems come. Likewise, earthquake, riots etc. Gujarat’s CM has achieved large progress and development for Gujarat. This is the unfortunate of Five crores Gujaraties that they have to lose such a versatile and genius CM. This is the Political History of India that no one has not charge a single case of corruption on them in two years. They have made oction of the gifts, which they have received, personally from the people. They have used this money for betterment of Girls education. They have donated to more than 2000 patient for bypass, valve transplant and other surgery of heart from their CM fund. From last two years The CM has arrested all the criminals who were involved in Narcotics cases in Gujarat. They had arrested the criminals who were involved in cases of Illegal weapons. They had found the cheatings of N.G.O. at the time earthquake. These N.G.O. had received many donation form Gujarat and out of Gujarat and not used it. These N. G. O. leaders are facing problems against CM. They have implemented so many projects like KALPSARU project, SUJLAM SUFLAM project, CHEKDAM project, KHET-TALAVADI project, JAN-SHAKTI project etc. They have implemented the concept of e-grampachayat.
This is the unfortunate of Gujarat and Gujarati people that they may lose such a great leader. After that Gujarat will get back 25 years.
Let’s hope that CM will continue forever.
With My Best Regards,
Mayur Dave.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
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